ZANE Trustees
Chair of Trustees: Judith Mellor OBE
Educated at Exeter University Career 1973 -75 The British Council 1975 - 87 The Lord Chancellor's Department Voluntary Positions 1993 - 2015 Board member of several theatres 2011 - 17 Council Member The Theatres Trust (a statutory body, appointed by the Secretary of State) 2008 - current Board member Clarity (a supported business, providing employment for people with disabilities) 1997 - current Member of Governing Body of Linden Lodge School (a maintained school for children from 3 till 19 years of age with complex needs, including residential care) 2017 Chair of The London Arts in Health Fund. 2008 Awarded an OBE in the Queens Birthday Honours List. -
John Broadley CMG
A diplomat for 35 years, serving in Washington DC, La Paz Bolivia, Geneva at the UN, Jordan, Gibraltar and as Ambassador to the Holy See. Since then involved in prisons, governing schools, Christian Satellite TV in Arabic and Farsi, peacemaking in the Sudan and the local church. Married to Jane with three children and four grandchildren. -
Caroline Compston
Caroline Compston worked in the art world in London, at the Victoria and Albert Museum and then as an assistant curator at the Tate Gallery. After moving to Oxford with her three children and her husband, Christopher, also a trustee of ZANE, she became Co-Chairman of the Children’s Benefactors’ Board at the Oxford Children’s Hospital in 2008. Between 2006 and 2018 she organised operas, Christmas concerts and a circus in order to raise money for the Children’s Hospital. She also organised a Flash Mob at Marylebone station in 2017 in order to raise money for Syrians in need of medical help. -
His Honour Christopher Compston
Christopher Compston, after a law degree from Magdalen, Oxford, was a barrister for twenty years before becoming a circuit judge in 1986. He retired in January 2013 after twenty-seven years, mainly in the criminal and family courts with some civil and mental health work. -
David Covell
David Covell worked as an executive director in Zambia and East Africa with the Booker Group’s trading, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, poultry and sugar interests for forty years, having completed National Service with the Royal Navy in the Fishery Protection Squadron. -
Charles Ford
Nicky Gayner
Nicky Gayner trained as a Montessori teacher and worked in the education field for 15 years. As a full time mother, she ran the parents' associations of two school's and is also a Governor of a prep school in London. Nicky is an International cabaret singer. She has performed her one woman show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and also in London, New York and a tour of Norway. In 2015 she performed in Bulawayo and the British Embassy residence in Harare, Zimbabwe. Nicky became involved with ZANE in 2006 and brings a valuable talent for fundraising and organisation to the ZANE team. -
Nicky Passaportis MBE
Nicky grew up in Zimbabwe where she taught for most of her professional life before heading up the work of ZANE in Zimbabwe for eleven years. In 2015 she moved with her husband, Tony, to Melbourne. Her work with the elderly was recognised in the Queen's New Year Honours List in 2015 when she received an MBE. Nicky is CEO of ZANE Australia.