A Presentation from ZANE – Zimbabwe: The Chaos Continues – Online, 13th November 2024

Date: 13/11/2024, 11:00 – 12:30

Location: ONLINE - Zoom

Hosted by John Hayns, ZANE

11:00 Zoom Log In

11:10 Presentation

Tom Benyon OBE, Founder of ZANE

ZANE Field Worker – Pensioners

ZANE Field Worker – Pop Up Classes

Senator David Coltart

Mayor of the City of Bulawayo

and former Zimbabwean Minister of Education

12:10 Questions –

please submit in advance to info@zane.uk.com

12:25 Closing Remarks

12:30 End

Tickets £10 per screen. Screens may be shared by more than one person.



If you are not able to pay by PayPal below, please telephone us to book your tickets on 020 7060 6643.


You can purchase tickets here using PayPal. Please note that you do not need a PayPal account to do this – you can use your credit or debit card.
You will receive an immediate payment receipt by email from PayPal. Tickets will be confirmed later by email once the booking is fully processed. Please note that this may take a few days if you book over a weekend.


  • Chair: John Hayns

    Chair: John Hayns

    Senior ZANE Team Member

  • Tom Benyon OBE

    Tom Benyon OBE

    Founder of ZANE: Zimbabwe A National Emergency

  • Senator David Coltart

    Senator David Coltart

    Mayor of the City of Bulawayo and former Zimbabwean Minister of Education

  • ZANE field workers

    ZANE field workers

    reporting on pensioner work and our pop-up classes

© 2024
ZANE - Zimbabwe a National Emergency
Registered Charity No: 1112949

company number 05604011
Registered address:
2 Church Street, Bladon, Oxon OX20 1RS


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