A conference organised by ZANE. May 2012

Date: 03/05/2012, 14.00 - 17.00pm

Location: St Stephen’s Club, 34 Queen Anne’s Gate, Westminster, London SW1H 9AB

Zimbabwe and Southern Africa:
Hopes, Fears and Elections

A conference organised by ZANE. Tickets £25. Please contact us if you would like to come.

  • Tom Benyon OBE

    Tom Benyon OBE

    founder of ZANE: Zimbabwe A National Emergency

  • Professor Stephen Chan OBE

    Professor Stephen Chan OBE

    Stephen Chan is an authority on Zimbabwe and the author of Robert Mugabe: A life of Power and Violence and Conversations with Morgan Tsvangerai

  • Lord Boateng

    Lord Boateng

    Lord Boateng was a Cabinet Minister (2001-5); then High Commissioner to South Africa (2005-9)

  • Deborah Bronnert

    Deborah Bronnert

    Deborah Bronnert has been UK Ambassador to Zimbabwe since 2011

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ZANE - Zimbabwe a National Emergency
Registered Charity No: 1112949

company number 05604011
Registered address:
2 Church Street, Bladon, Oxon OX20 1RS


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