Donate to ZANE

Thank you for giving. Your money will change and save lives. There are several ways to give:


In the UK

Set up a Direct Debit Online

We love regular giving! It helps us to plan and enables us to help people in Zimbabwe more effectively. You can set up a Direct Debit securely online by clicking here.This process includes the option to choose how you would like ZANE to spend your donation.

Donate by Card Online

If you would like to make a one-off donation online using your credit or debit card, please click here.

If you would like to make a one-off donation online using your credit or debit card, please click here. You will have the option to choose which area of ZANE’s work you wish to support. The choices are:

  • Trustees discretion
  • Pensioner work
  • Impoverished communities
  • Clubfoot programme
  • Veterans work

To set up a monthly card donation, please click here.

Bank Transfer

If you would like to make a direct bank transfer to ZANE, please email us.

Outside the UK

Please click here to donate if you are outside the UK.

By Telephone

If you would like to make a donation by credit or debit card over the telephone, please call our donations line on 020 7060 6643.

Postal donations & Direct Debits

You can set up a direct debit securely online by clicking here.

Alternatively, if you would rather send a cheque, set up a direct debit or fill in your card details to send by post, please download our donation form by clicking here. It is a pdf document, so you will need pdf reader to open it. Please print it out, fill it in by hand and then send it to us at:

PO Box 451
OX28 9FY.

We can Gift Aid your donations to recover tax. Details are on the form. To download a separate Gift Aid Declaration, please see below.

Gift Aid

Please note that you cannot rely on another person’s Gift Aid declaration, even if you are married to them and are donating from a joint account. Please either ask them to donate in their name or ensure that you have each filled out your own declaration.

If you would like to Gift Aid your donations, please click here to download a Gift Aid Declaration. Then print it, fill it in and send it to:

PO Box 451
OX28 9FY


Fundraising for ZANE is a great way of helping us to continue with the valuable work in Zimbabwe. If you have fundraising ideas, we’ll help you realise them. With your help, we can make a difference to the lives of many people in Zimbabwe.

Online sponsorship
Set up an online sponsorship page with Justgiving for any fundraising idea you can come up with. Sponsored swim, sponsored mountaineer, sponsored run . . . Click here to find out more about ZANE fundraisers and to set up your own online fundraising form

Remembering ZANE in your Will

– Leave money to ZANE in your will – please click here for frequently asked questions about wills and contact us for more details

Donate Shares to ZANE

If you would like to donate shares to ZANE please click here for more information.

Payroll Giving

Giving to ZANE through payroll giving schemes is very effective.

If you are using such a scheme to give to ZANE, please let us know so that we can make sure the funds get through. Employers and payroll giving agencies are supposed to notify us, but the message does not always get through so it speeds things up if we can tie things up at our end as well.

Donate your old car to ZANE

– Do you own a vehicle that you want to sell or get rid of? Then please think about donating it to us through Giveacar!

Please click here for more details.

Thank you for your generosity. Your money will make a big difference.


© 2025
ZANE - Zimbabwe a National Emergency
Registered Charity No: 1112949

company number 05604011
Registered address:
2 Church Street, Bladon, Oxon OX20 1RS


Fundraising Regulator