
This report was made at the end of 2003. It is included here to provide insight into the origins and early activities of ZANE.

Thomas Yates Benyon
Olivia Jane Benyon
James Pringle
Sue Gibbs
James Maberly
Rev David Streater

During year 2003 the charitable activities several areas:

  1. Assisting people to leave Zimbabwe (Operation Exit)
  2. Assistance to the family of Cathy Olds (whose husband Martin, was murdered in Zimbabwe in May 2001);
  3. ZANE: Zimbabwe: A National Emergency

During the year we assisted some six individuals to leave Zimbabwe for the UK as because inflation is circa 500% and the country is in total ruin, they were stuck in Harare and starving and had no funds to purchase tickets to the UK. We have assisted them on a “loan” basis; we have an informal agreement that, when they arrive in the UK, if they can they will repay the loan so further money can be supplied by the charity to other families or individuals facing a similar predicament. In the event that they are unable to repay the loan, the sum will be written off.

Further assistance has been given to the Olds family and assistance has been given to her parents, a retired World War Two Veteran and pastor from Zimbabwe who have been ruined by inflation, and his wife. During the year, the redeemable loan to the shipping company is to be repaid.

ZANE: Zimbabwe: A National Emergency.

The bulk of the administrative costs of inter alia, rent, telephone charges and other office costs have not been recouped. However, charges have been made to cover the costs of advertising in, amongst others: Country Life, The Association of Lloyd’s Members Magazine; Horse and Hound, The Field and and The Spectator and it is from these magazines that much of the money has been raised. Further administrative charges are being incurred by the charity to cover the substantial administrative burden incurred in the creation of a data base, the administration involved in mainiaining the records of supporters and the complications of the reclaiming taxation on donations. As interest rates are low, a small percentage of charitable funds have been invested in the stock market which, in October 2003, is showing a profit to the charity.

ZANE is seeking to find churches where appeals can be made to raise further money; further advertising will be undetaken to keep the bank account well in surplus so we can discharge the obligations to the elderly in Zimbabwe that we wish to fulfil.

No payments or expenses have been paid to trustees.

© 2025
ZANE - Zimbabwe a National Emergency
Registered Charity No: 1112949

company number 05604011
Registered address:
2 Church Street, Bladon, Oxon OX20 1RS


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